Wrapped eETH (WEETH)

Wrapped eETH (WEETH)

$3 693.33 (0.51 %)
ΰΈΏ0.05413351 (-1.06 %)
Рыночная капитализация
$5 218 501 680
ΰΈΏ76 560
ОбъСм (24h)
$35 667 646
1 414 273 (Available)

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Ether.fi's eETH is a decentralized, non-custodial liquid staking token that enables Ethereum holders to earn staking rewards while maintaining full liquidity and control over their assets. eETH along with its wrapped non-rebasing version, weETH, integrates seamlessly with the Ethereum ecosystem, offering users a flexible and secure way to contribute to network validation and participate in the DeFi space.