Tenset (10SET)

Tenset (10SET)

$1.01 (-4.96 %)
ΰΈΏ0.00001596 (-4.85 %)
Рыночная капитализация
$169 283 710
ΰΈΏ2 671
ОбъСм (24h)
$778 299
167 306 771.1(Max)
167 306 761 (Available)

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10set token has been launched in January 2021, using Ethereum erc20 protocol. It's a new generation etf 2.0 deflationary token with a smart staking system, that bridges cryptocurrencies with the stock market. Tenset adds a 2% transaction fee to every transfer. Half of the fee is burned creating a deflationary effect and another half is automatically distributed to all token holders. No need to freeze it or hold it any special wallet.