Concordium (CCD)

Concordium (CCD)

$0 (4.57 %)
ΰΈΏ5e8 (6.84 %)
Рыночная капитализация
$30 856 440
ОбъСм (24h)
$527 792
9 702 939 770 (Available)

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Concordium offers a trustable state-of-the-science solution with self-sovereign identification at the protocol level and confidentiality using Zero Knowledge Proof cryptography.Concordium Blockchain is designed and built to provide a distributed execution platform that supports regulatory compliance for Fintech and other industries. Network fees are low, predictable and stable in Euro terms.Concordium proposes the most trustable state-of-the-science solution with self-sovereign identification at the protocol level and confidentiality thanks to ZKP cryptography.