Just a chill guy (CHILLGUY)

Just a chill guy (CHILLGUY)

$0.21 (-23.82 %)
ΰΈΏ0.00000203 (-22.1 %)
Рыночная капитализация
$207 304 870
ΰΈΏ2 038
ОбъСм (24h)
$114 118 749
ΰΈΏ1 122
1 000 000 000(Max)
999 964 904 (Available)

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Chill Guy is the memecoin for the Chill Guy meme which is going viral on TikTok with over 600 million videos about it This project is about fostering a community around this viral meme and the message it shares. The Chill Guy meme is all about a nonchalant character who remains unfaded no matter what life throws at him. In a hectic industry as the crypto industry, we could all be a little more like Chill Guy.