Binance Staked SOL (BNSOL)

Binance Staked SOL (BNSOL)

$189.47 (-6.34 %)
฿0.00196737 (-5.19 %)
Рыночная капитализация
$1 468 400 693
฿15 245
Объем (24h)
$13 393 641
7 743 142 (Available)

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Binance Staked SOL (BNSOL) represents your staked SOL plus the staking rewards received, in a tradable and transferable form. Ordinary staking would lock up your staked assets, which means you cannot use them for other purposes – it increases a user's opportunity cost. In contrast, BNSOL provides flexibility to sell, transfer, or use the staked SOL position. You can even move BNSOL to a personal wallet and use it outside the Binance platform whilst still earning rewards. BNSOL accumulates staking rewards through the BNSOL:SOL conversion rate on Binance SOL Staking, even when it is used in other Binance products or external DeFi applications for additional yield opportunities.